We’ve improved our online order system to provide more transparency
You can still email your P.O. to us or you can generate them on the Order tab of our website. Either way, we will enter them in the new system so that we can better manage and track the status of your order.
If you click the My Orders tab on our site, you can see what step the order is in. For example, if we are waiting for your product to arrive, you will see the status paused on “Check in apparel as it arrives”. You’ll also see when the order has entered the Embroidery Queue, the Trimming & Packing Queue, and when it is getting ready to ship.
If action is needed on your part, you will find your tasks in the Orders Inbox tab. Your tasks will also be sent to you in an email with a direct link to the task. The most common task will be “Proof Approval”, We’ll need to have that on a new design before your order can continue to the work queue.
If there is a feature you’d like to see added to our order system roadmap, please let us know!
If you don’t have an account yet, register here!